“The Christmas Tree Miracle” by Jeanne E.Tepper of West Bloomfield is one of the stories included in a new release, A Wish for Christmas, from the British publisher Alfie Dog Fiction. The holiday themed anthology presents an international perspective on the Christmas season by twenty authors from around the world. The selection of stories offers inspiration, romance, and laughter in settings across the globe. Tepper’s story, selected by editor and publisher Rosemary J. Kind, will appeal to anyone who has considered becoming a parent, but who thinks the options are limited.
Tepper is a published short story author and a veteran blogger. She currently writes for The Detroit News Parenting site’s “MichMoms” blog: http://blogs.detroitnews.com/parenting/category/michmoms/.
Alfie Dog Fiction specializes in publishing short stories for down load as well as in book form and has over 1200 stories on its website www.alfiedog.com.
A Wish for Christmas is available in print or as a download through Amazon and other leading online retailers starting November 18.
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